
With a singular quest in mind,

We persist towards uncharted realms,

Casting aside profundity,

For all returns whence it came, to nature's embrace.

  • Aw24 Icicle Campaign 16 9 No Logo Mr 1

Flora sprouts from the earth's bosom,

Breathing life into this wild, free wetland.

Nature, indefinable,

Echoes through our attire, deserving of attentive ears.

  • Aw24 Icicle Campaign 16 9 No Logo Mr 2

Ordinary folk from everyday realities

Cross paths with diverse creative visions,

Binding into a harmonious whole,

Crafting common memories, precious and plain.

  • Aw24 Icicle Campaign 16 9 No Logo Lr 3

Humanity, fashion, and nature wholly present,

Together, we hold our breath,

Awaiting the moment of symbiosis among all beings.

One with nature,End and beginning, in harmonious unity.